throat in french
A related word that follows the same pattern is mal à a gorge or sore throat. Expand_more Je ne veux pas que le chat me saute à la gorge je ne veux pas que le chat saute à la gorge de lEurope. Pin On Resimli Sozluk Many French students have trouble with the letter r. . EN deep throat noun volume_up 1. Toothache mal aux dents. Stitches in throat extending to the ear when swallowing. Headache mal à la tête. A block in my throat a scream tore at her throat After clearing his throat at the top of the throat Corded Throat cut throat business cut yourself a slice of throat deep in the throat Deep Throat wannabe Did I mention the little catch in his throat when he said your name. Discussions du forum dont le titre comprend le s mot s throat. Similar translations for strep throat in French throat noun French gorge gosier throat verb French prononcer card throat noun French filière deep throat noun French gorge pro...